
Thursday, August 8, 2013


It all was started in 2003, mark zuckerberg a computer science student in Harvard university  , a great programmer …he met with winklevoss brothers who were seniors to mark in the same university…
Winklevoss brother had a idea of connecting the friends online which was not named yet…They met mark and after observing his programming skills they told him about their thoughts.. After listening to their idea Mark agreed and then told them to meet soon.  Then Mark thought of creating a website without informing those brothers whom he met earlier and worked upon his website. On initial stage he gave the title ‘The Facebook’ to his new website and this idea was actually stolen from  winklevoss brothers.  He then informed his friend Eduardo Saverin about his new plan and he somehow convince his friend to invest money on his new website. After listening to this idea his friend was ready to invest and he gave Mark 1,000 USD.with a partnership of 70 : 30 and  Eduardo was also named as CFO of ‘The Facebook’
Then on 4th Feb 2004 ‘The Facebook’ was launched officially on Harvard campus and not only this many of the students have registered on this site quickly after the launch and then the growth continues.  After knowing all this Winklevoss brothers filed a legal notice against Mark on creating ‘The Facebook’.
The site gets so much popular and its server were placed all across the globe the facebook was entering in every common men’s life..
Founder of nepster  sean parker also met mark and start helping him in creating facebook more worldwide and got a share of 7% in facebook and he insisted mark to change the name to ’Facebook’ from ‘The Facebook’…
Illegally they fooled Eduardo and took his sign on the documents mentioning his run awa from the shares of the facebook…
And the winklevoss brother also filled the case against facebook for the stolen idea..
After  finishing up with all the disputes mark and facebook has finally decided to pay the compensation of 65 million USD. And Eduardo saverin regained his position as the CFO of FACEBOOK..
And now facebook is the biggest known website as well as the company in the world today….
Billions of people are accessing facebook today mark zuckerberg may be the founder of facebook but the idea behind facebook was of winklevoss brothers and the 1st investment was done by Eduardo saverin..
This was the truth behind THE FACEBOOK…

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